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What's happening in Soda in May? 🏖️🏹
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My progress got erased?!?

candy0808 Posts: 2 Newbie
I play Candy Crush Soda pretty much daily and EXCLUSIVELY on my phone and never had a problem with it. This morning I opened the app and it put me on Level 1?! 
I can’t remember my exact progress but it was way over a thousand levels! I am desperate?!
I tried opening the app many times and it keeps putting me on Level 1...
what do I do?! 
Please help!

thanks a lot!


  • emm1
    emm1 Posts: 70 Level 3
    Try logging out then log back in. If you go to level 1 hit  the button that looks like a  candy cane rainbow on the upper rt hand side and see if it takes you back to your level
  • candy0808
    candy0808 Posts: 2 Newbie
    I don’t think i was ever logged in to begin with. It never asked me for a log in, I wasn’t connected with FB either. And the rainbow button takes me nowhere cause all of the Levels after Level 1 are grey (like I hadn’t passed them)
  • Nichole121908
    Nichole121908 Posts: 1 Newbie
    The same thing just happened to me just now! I was one I was somewhere between 450 and 475 and I the middle of the game, it froze up and I’m back at level one. I have been playing since last year and it never asked me for a login. Can someone please tell me how to fix this please

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