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Can't Login and Progress is lost

SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
I had to delete the app from my phone as it wasn't working correctly, now I have been put back to level 1 and can't log in with either Facebook or King Account.

I have tried every single suggestion on the forums. Even went as far as contacting support however all I get is a standardised email response telling me to try all the methods I have previously tried. I have invested a serious amount of time and money in to the game which I will not be best pleased about if I cannot have this issue rectified. 

If I log in with Facebook it still puts me back to level 1, and when I try to log in with email it comes up saying "This email is not linked to a King account"

Can somebody please help? I must stress, please do not suggest deleting the app, then Facebook app then reinstalling etc as I have followed every suggested method available.

User ID is 10978262761



  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager
    Glad you found us @SG86 and welcome to the Community 🤗

    It looks like your game progress did not get recorded however not to worry as we can get you back on track. All I need to know is what level are you supposed to be on? 

  • SG86
    SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
    Hey @QueenB

    For the life of me I cannot remember. Even though I played everyday I can't recall where I actually was, haha.

    Is there a way to trace it from my User ID?
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager
    Not really as the ID is anew one and not linked to your previous account.

    Are you sure you have used the right email to sign in to your game? The ID is currently linked to
  • SG86
    SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
    Yeah 100% the correct email. 

    I only have my personal and a business one I would't use for anything other than that.

    What other options are there    :(
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager
    You mentioned you've spend money, do you happen to have a receipt, your latest one so I can get Player Support to have a look and see if they can find your original account?

    If you do find one, can I have a screenshot of it? 

    Thanks :) 
  • SG86
    SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
    edited October 2019
    I do have a receipt from 7 days ago. I would prefer not to screenshot and post it here in case sensitive information is displayed.

    I can provide the following details from the email though:
    INVOICE DATE 19 Oct 2019
    SEQUENCE NO. 1-2991093937
    DOCUMENT NO. 189296537976

    The order total was £3.99 and the receipt was sent to the account.

    I hope this is sufficient information.
  • SG86
    SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,729 Sweet Legend
    Hi @SG86, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to enter them for a chance to win gold bars.  

    @QueenB won't be back in the office until tomorrow so you should hear from her then.

  • SG86
    SG86 Posts: 7 Level 2
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,942 Community Manager
    Hi @SG86, apologies for the delay as I was waiting to hear back from Player Support.

    Unfortunately, as the purchase was made through iTunes, we are unable to locate any purchases linked to an account as it's all saved on Apples side 😕

    The only option we have here is to manually restore your game (if you can let me know ruffly which level you're supposed to be on, I know you're not sure but we can start from somewhere).

    Player Support will also add some Boosters to help you get back on track as well.

    Let me know which level we can move you to and take it from there. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?