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What's happening in Soda in May? 🏖️🏹
🏆🏖️ Soda Summer Season is here!
🎉🥳New Accessibility features are coming to Soda!

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Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
i seriously hate having my FB profile pic in the games .. how do I change to an avatar.. I used to have one and his name was Merle but now I can’t get him back 🙁... if I change my FB profile pic it will change my game pic but only through my private photos.. where are the avatars... it used to be sooooo easy 🤷‍♀️


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,592 Candy Moderator
    Hello @Chilligirl, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    What ever picture you choose for your Facebook profile would be the picture in your games too!  It is not possible to keep different pictures for your profile and games!!  

    May be you are signed into your game through Kingdom account?  If so, there are various avatars available and one of them could be the Avatar you said "Merle"!!  I am not very familiar with all the names of the avatars that are available in!!  

    To check it out and make sure, please go to  --->  Open Settings --->  Tap on the picture you currently have ---> "Characters" is the default option that come out!  See if the specified character you are mentioning is listed there! 

    ** To discuss more, please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, and reply back. 

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a great rest of the day/evening! 
  • Chilligirl
    Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
    Hi.. thank you for your suggestion however it’s not working ... I’m obviously logged into games via FB.. so I can’t change profile pic.. so my next qu is how to I log out of fb in the game and log in via king account and still be able to hold my place in the game?... I thought that with my profile pic on this community page being an avatar then maybe that would transfer to the games??... but noooo that didn’t happen so king account must be seperate to this  community page?
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,592 Candy Moderator
    Hello again @Chilligirl, Thank you for replying back :+1: 

    So, you did not find the character you were looking for, in page?

    You can sync (combine) both Facebook and Kingdom accounts, and still stay at your level :+1: 

    Can you please tell me which device you are using to play the game? 
  • Chilligirl
    Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
    My iPhone... I’m still trying to figure out how to change everything.. I was just reading about syncing too... I don’t know what happened to have my avatar that I named Merle fir years suddenly disappear and now I have to do all this logging in and creating accounts.. it’s quite frustrating.. thanks for trying to help me though 😀
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,592 Candy Moderator
    Oh!  Sorry!  

    This King Community account and the King games account are different.  Hence, the profile pictures won't be synced!
  • Chilligirl
    Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
    I thought as much .. but when I go to what I think is my king account it takes me to this community page .. so how do I get to the king account ... in sooo confused..
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,592 Candy Moderator
    edited January 2020
    OK! Let's try one step at a time, so that we (both) don't get confused =)  The more strain we feel, the more frustrated we get!!  

    Do you remember whether you have a Kingdom account?  I mean are you logged into your games through Facebook OR Kingdom account?

    Oh! Are you playing Candy Soda game or some other game?  Because, I will go into that game profile and tell you how to check (if I am also playing that game) =)
  • Chilligirl
    Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
    Candy Soda and jelly crush... I have logged into my king account and my fb profile pic is there.. when I click on the little camera at the bottom right it takes me to a page with an avatar with a plus sign to add a pic.. but when I click on it .. it takes me to my private photos and there is no option of avatars?... it’s after midnight here in Aus and I think I should let it go for now ... if you reply thank you and I will see it in the morn .. 💤
  • Chilligirl
    Chilligirl Posts: 6 Level 2
    Thank you sooo much for trying to help last night.. I logged on to my computer at work and was able to change my profile pic and name back to Merle... 😀

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