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New Booster: Supersonic Lolly



  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hi @teresawallace44 Can’t tell you when you’re going to see this. For me, it took quite a long time. Others had seen it but I didn’t. Eventually I got the first piece, but I always found very irregular pieces. I even had once there was not a single piece at the new levels. But maybe @Origins7_Dale can tell you in which levels he finds the pieces. Or maybe it depends on what device you’re playing....

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @teresawallace44 & @Yosca,

    Thx for the tag @Yosca,

    Yes, @Yosca is right on both points, "What device are you using"? Also, where are you at in the game? If you go back to Page 14 of this thread, I listed the last 4 weeks I spotted "Lolly" on the new levels, on "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App". Another question is, have you ever had or seen "Supersonic Lolly" yet? If not you may have not gotten it yet. It is being tested or passed around to different groups. It might have gone buggy, or could be server issues. Hard to say, because of all the issues we are having. Like "Bubblegum Hill", haven't seen that in months, because of reported issues, it was removed for testing by support.

    It is why I do these posts, so the players know where, what, perhaps why. Also, so the Community Managers can notify support on things. I do not use wifi or devices that use them on gaming. But if you go here:

    Level 6923, - Page 2 — King Community

    You might find some useful info. It is all we can do from our end, the rest is up to King.

    Hope this helps.

    Thx Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • mattbondy
    mattbondy Posts: 212

    It is broken and only works for certain players they pick and allow to play... it is also sent out for certain platforms meaning certain operating systems and certain tabs and cell phones with certain platform versions.

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436

    Thank you for the info. @Yosca and @Origins7_Dale

    I play on a Apple Mini IPad and a iPhone 6S. I have never had or even seen the Supersonic Lolly.

    I understand about the bug issues in the games and they have to test it to find out what’s wrong.

    I’ll wait patiently for the booster.

    Thank you again,

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • ayomidey_1
    ayomidey_1 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Super helpful

  • mattbondy
    mattbondy Posts: 212
    edited June 2020

    *Edited by CM: off-topic*

  • briarrose523
    briarrose523 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    My experience is the same as most here. When the super lolly came out I got it maybe 3 times and it was really helpful on hard levels. Now I only get one piece randomly and that one piece goes away before I get a second piece. No point having it there if it is unattainable!

  • Hooky
    Hooky Posts: 136

    Why do I only get 1 Piece of the Bubble Gum Wheel and not the other 2 Pieces.?

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124

    Hello everyone!

    Wow @Origins7_Dale thanks for that detailed info! I'm sure there's a lot of our Community players that will value your insights! My question, out of curiosity, is: how did you know the top left, the 1st Licorice Swirl Icon, was where the Supersonic Lolly was? I can't see a thing over that and I'm sure I would have overpassed it without noticing it in my game!

    As I said, I know most of you find hard to find the other pieces or even like @teresawallace44 not even one. I'm talking with the Studio and I know they are looking into this. All the feedback gathered here is taking into consideration. So thanks a lot guys and girls for taking the time to let us know what you think and make suggestions

    Keep the feedback coming, it's the only way to help us make the game more enjoyable!


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?