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Award for collecting 20 Gold Pins

aleisha Posts: 1 Newbie


I collected 20 Gold Pins this week during the contest- when will I receive the 200 gold bars?

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,951 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @aleisha Hearty Welcome to our lovely King Community 🤗

    Actually, the highest reward that any of the King games give us are 50 Gold Bars. It is the same for many events they run and they never give more than that.

    Did you take a screenshot of the pop-up where it says you will win 200 Gold Bars? OR are you combining rewards from different events and asking about it?

    ** With regards to the reward of "collecting 20 Gold Pins" ---> the event has ended only yesterday (Sunday evening 6 pm). It takes some time for the team to calculate the results and send out the rewards.

    Hence, we always should wait for 24 to 36 hours (max) to receive the rewards. I am sure that tomorrow, by this time, you will have the Gold Bars in your game.

    Please post back and let us know if you need further assistance or clarification.

    Have fun in your game(s)! Have a great rest of the day 🍬 🍾


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,120 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    When you get the popup, everything is there. Maybe it will be increased again. I'll give you the CM and manager for more information. Good luck

    @LadyRaffie & @Lola_Pop

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,569 Soda Moderator

    Welcome @aleisha to our friendly Community. Let me tag some of our Superstars who can help. I never see the gold rush so maybe they can tell you when prizes can be collected. @Sukanta_Biswas so in the other thread the prizes could be right then (100 and 200 gold)

    @PummyRaj you have seen a gold rush didn’t you. Have you seen any to win 100 or 200 gold?

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,951 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @aleisha Hearty Welcome to our lovely King Community 🤗

    Actually, the highest reward that any of the King games give us are 50 Gold Bars. It is the same for many events they run and they never give more than that.

    Did you take a screenshot of the pop-up where it says you will win 200 Gold Bars? OR are you combining rewards from different events and asking about it?

    ** With regards to the reward of "collecting 20 Gold Pins" ---> the event has ended only yesterday (Sunday evening 6 pm). It takes some time for the team to calculate the results and send out the rewards.

    Hence, we always should wait for 24 to 36 hours (max) to receive the rewards. I am sure that tomorrow, by this time, you will have the Gold Bars in your game.

    Please post back and let us know if you need further assistance or clarification.

    Have fun in your game(s)! Have a great rest of the day 🍬 🍾

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,951 Candy Moderator

    Hello dear @Yosca 😍 Hope you and family are doing great!

    First of all, Thank you for the tag ❤️

    Yes! I have seen Gold Rush and won the event for few times too 🤩

    Like I mentioned above, the highest number of Gold Bars that King rewards us is 50 Gold Bars ONLY -- per event.

    The event @aleisha played above and the Gold Rush event are completely different. The event Aleisha played -- ONLY Gold Pins will be counted. But, in Gold Rush, all the number of levels (only new ones) we played will be counted.

    I don't have the screenshot for Gold Rush event handy. It should be in one of my old answers. But, I do have the screenshot for the "Gold Pins" event, and here it is 👇️ 👇️

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615 Level 5

    You can take a screenshot of your prize and send it to community managers to get your rewards

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