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Help! I cannot play in landscape mode (test ended)



  • claire2505
    claire2505 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    @ArtySin would a pm work??

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello @ArtySin !

    Criticism is accepted, and feedback is in fact encouraged here. However, there are some House Rules every member must accept in order to have a non-toxic conversation. You can read the House Rules here.

    On one hand lobbying , on the other hand sharing personal information- your own or somebody else's- are two of the no-go's in the Community.

    I hope you can understand.

  • chapel72
    chapel72 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Is anyone else having trouble playing with their screen vertical/landscape? I'm playing on a Chromebook, and since last week I can't play in landscape mode. It will only rotate to portrait one way and portrait the other way. PLEASE HALP!

    TREEFELLAH Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I've been having the same problem myself for about 3 days now. It starts off in portrait and will eventually go to landscape when the game starts.

  • Nana6Mom4
    Nana6Mom4 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I miss the landscape mode. I wish they’d fix it.

    TREEFELLAH Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I am using a galaxy Tab A

  • ArtySin
    ArtySin Posts: 14

    Level 2

    edited June 2020

    Hello @Lola_Pop and @claire2505 and @Alaskagirl11 OK Lola, fair enough about the house rules, however, can you please let us know what is actually going on here. With many years of experience in IT, to be to be told that this is a test is, in my opinion just pure obfuscation. No company in the World would run a test in a production environment and no matter what other people here with IT experience say, we just get fobbed off with what are obviously just excuses. If it’s an update gone wrong, why don’t you rollback. Be honest, let us know what is happening and more importantly why?

  • claire2505
    claire2505 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    @ArtySin yup with you on this. Also you don’t tell your customers that you are removing functionality from a system as a test!! My users would go mad at me if I did that!

    @Lola_Pop you need to tell the development team that no one is convinced by your arguments of a test as too many of us work in IT and so know how the processes work.

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello @ArtySin and @claire2505,

    I assure you your feedback is being forwarded to the teams that are responsible for this change in the game.

    I cannot give you many more details on this, but the change is intended and running as a test.

    Temporary issues can appear in every game, but here in the Community we investigate, report, and give you an update when something goes wrong; and the developers fix it as soon as it's possible.

    This is not the case. In this thread, we can gather your feedback, give it to the team in the Studio and come back to you if there are news on the test.

  • bullywooly
    bullywooly Posts: 73

    Level 3

    It’s easy, CHANGE IT BACK

This discussion has been closed.

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