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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Yosca @Lola_Pop & The Update Bubblegum Hill Group,

    From @Lola_Pop on Page 77:

    "Hello crew!

    Yep, the Bubblegum Hill is going to be on this weekend!

    I hope you all can climb it, but bear in mind there's always the possibility that you're placed in the control group and don't see it in your game. In all cases, keep your app updated...and good luck!"

    "3:33AM - 7/24/2020!"

    "Bubblegum hill" (BGH)! *Showed Up On Level 5111 On 7/3/2020! *Has not returned yet!

    From Superstar @kiara_wael post: The "Bubblegum hill" appears only on the weekends. He comes on "Friday Late Evening and goes back on Late Sundays". 

    I use "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App".

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Crazyforfun
    Crazyforfun Posts: 141

    BGH is back!

    So I started with 100 energy- each play uses 10. 5 gets replenished every 5 min. It was pretty good.

    Then after 5 hours suddenly each play became 50 energy! Very inconvenient!

    Then after 2 hours , it went back to using 10 energy per play, thank God!!

    I am just happy to have BGH!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hmmmm I think the same group of players of last weekend will get BGH. That means I will not :..Still hasn’t shown up 😢😢

  • Tris
    Tris Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @Lola_Pop or @LadyRaffie : don't you think it will be more fair to tell us that BGH will be definitely cancelled ?

    I don't have the game since ... I cannot remember the last time. My app is update, I'm at 5196th level.

  • ellen69
    ellen69 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    @Tris fully agree.

    or are we definitely put in the control group and will not get it anymore.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Call it what you want...control group, AB group, testing...I don't have it either. This is getting very old. But I'm still here. I'm sad...both kinds of sad.

  • jmun
    jmun Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Got bubble gum hill. Oh wait, played twice just for it to freeze me out yet again. Great job on your “update.” It’s a nightmare and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

  • jlynnb23
    jlynnb23 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    So disappointing to be in the "control group" again. The developer's just can't seem to get it right. What are they thinking alienating a large group of their players? I need someone to make me understand this!

  • Bricorn
    Bricorn Posts: 518

    Nothing for me again. I could use it, I'm completely out of boosters!

  • ellen69
    ellen69 Posts: 61

    Level 3

This discussion has been closed.

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