Why do I frequently fail to receive lives I pay for, though gold bars are deducted, on Facebook?

Level 1
Many many many times, at least 20 or 25, when playing King games on Facebook, I purchase 50 or 100 lives, try to draw gold bars from them for new lives; the bars are deducted, and no new lived are received. If I have purchased the bars through itunes, Facebook offers me no option to request a refund. I know I don't deserve the entire amount paid for back, but I'd say I'm losing at least 9 bars of every 50 purchased, and sometimes more. Why does this problem occur and how can I make it stop?
Best Answers
@Lisa_Kaufman Hi and welcome, sorry to here you have had a problem with your purchase. the community does not deal with purchases as it contains your personal data.
If you play on mobile, then please email Player Support directly from the game.
When sending an email directly from the game, Player Support will automatically get your purchase history and all transactions the recent 90 days.
Go to the game's Start Menu, then Settings - Help Center - Purchases & Gold Bars - Contact us and send them an email.
Or alternatively you can use the contact us at bottom of page but you will need your game ID for this
Hope this helps
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@Lisa_Kaufman If playing through Facebook game, clear you internet browser cache / history and log out and restart your device. then log back in. At present i do find the windows 10 app a lot more stable than the Facebook game if you have the option to use this. you can get from the microsoft store
Hope this helps
@Lisa_Kaufman Hi and welcome, sorry to here you have had a problem with your purchase. the community does not deal with purchases as it contains your personal data.
If you play on mobile, then please email Player Support directly from the game.
When sending an email directly from the game, Player Support will automatically get your purchase history and all transactions the recent 90 days.
Go to the game's Start Menu, then Settings - Help Center - Purchases & Gold Bars - Contact us and send them an email.
Or alternatively you can use the contact us at bottom of page but you will need your game ID for this
Hope this helps
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There is seem to be many glitches with Facebook right now. Maybe try to play without using Facebook until they have them resolved.
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@Lisa_Kaufman If playing through Facebook game, clear you internet browser cache / history and log out and restart your device. then log back in. At present i do find the windows 10 app a lot more stable than the Facebook game if you have the option to use this. you can get from the microsoft store
Hope this helps
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Hi and welcome to the community.
Sorry to hear about your purchase issues. But unfortunately in the community we dont deal with purchase or purchase related issues. But we can help you to access the right forum by following the below link.
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Hii welcome to d king community