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Yes I think I intepreted the mechanism of this challenge as you explained. Just I don't really think you can win 120 gb which is the sum of all these gold bars at the end of the challenge. This is a very tough challenge. My troll's party was nothing in comparison.😅
I think if you manage to win weekly contest 3 times before the deadline you can win 75 gb. 30 gb for 2 won weekly contests. 15 for 1 won weekly contest. You have already won 15 gb. Congrats 👏👏
Hi @Pitty_Kitty & @tininha1975,
That was helpful. Would be even more helpful if I understood the language. Think "Italian", right? Since you speak both, english & italian, why don't you use an english app? Or, at least when you post. Problem with screenshots, I can't copy / paste text from it.
Anyway, it is called: "Sugar Streak Showdown"
I'll add it to my list.
Many thx hon.
On F5 Teams, I'll see what I can do. If you or @candycrushinit can "Invite" me, might be easier. Who is the "Admin", you or her? Sweet Seekers, huh, sounds sugary. (hehe)
How come @Sofia1992 is not on the team? Those 2 are inseparable. Should get @rock2233 to join up, look at what he did on our Soda Team last session, like 300 points or so. Wonder where @Quervo / Handy is at, haven't seen him in awhile?
Need to go pay some bills online, so be back later.
Cyas hon.
Thx Origins7 Dale, 😀
LOL no.😂 tininha1975's event is in Portuguese. I understood vaguely the meaning because of some familiar words close enough to Italian but I had to check the rest of the words 😂
the language is preset. I tried to change it in my phone in order to change it in my apps too but I failed, it would be certainly easier to publish screeenshots here and I could avoid situations when English is badly translated into Italian (that time tiffi beach games promo teaser said the event should have ended on Wednesday instead of starting 😆😅). But I don't know how to change the language in my phone and I'm not sure if it's even there where the language is picked from or my sim. I'm ignorant. 😅
Candycrushinit is the admin. I agree with you, the invitation would be the easiest way but I never understood why the admin couldn't invite me so in the end I had to devise a workaround. Maybe you'll be more lucky.
I think Sofia is experiencing a similar problem because she's stuck with a random team and can't escape. All the other ex team players are like this. I don't know why I was spared. Well, I was kicked out too by the system but android app was too powerful and couldn't be fooled by a glitchy situation 😂
Hi @Pitty_Kitty,
Found this for you.
android phone change language - Google
How do you change languages on Android?
Change language
Let me know if it works. Gtg, need to eat, etc...
Thx Origins7 Dale, 😀
Yes @Origins7_Dale I am the Admin. for the team.
As @Pitty_Kitty said, Sofia is on a random team and cannot get out of it. What a shame...😞
@Origins7_Dale yes! I made it! No more translating into english. 🤩
I tried following your instructions but nothing changed on my device. Maybe it's for the language in google account only. So I went back to my device settings and tried changing language again. This time I made sure Italian didn't return as first language by default. I guess that's why I failed before.
Let's hope it stays that way
Hi @Pitty_Kitty,
That's great. Might want to tell @Yosca to use the english language as default also. Can never read her "Dutch" or copy / paste her screenshot text. May as well tell @Werner_Cichy too. In fact, everyone. lol Ruby / @Diamond Lim tagged me for a "French" contest. Funny, wonder how many languages you girls know btw. Have enough problems with learning my own language.
Yes, the info on changing into 2 or more languages is thru Google settings. Why many use the Google translator. With MS Edge it is language packs, the new Chromium MS Edge, not sure, because I use Google mostly.
But have bad news, I can't join up with you & @candycrushinit. Asked @Werner_Cichy about his F5 Team 1st, he got me out. Sent a link by PM, believe thru Facebook, but can always confirm with him.
So I recommend you do the same for @Sofia1992. Let her know she can get her BFF out this way. Even @Yosca was telling me how hard it is to get back or out from these transferred, moved, split-up team things. Also, asked @rock2233 & a few others about joining your team, so waiting on them. Not even sure if @rock2233 plays CCS. If he or they reply, I'll let you know. Feels like I was in prison, now free again.
Hope we still buddy's.
Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hello dear,
Am sorry if I misunderstood this but, is the F5 team splitting up???😰😰😰
According to my apps I've just moved to United Kingdom though 😅🤣. I hope this won't change anything about the events, I'd still like to get them.
Maybe the f5 invitations work better with the game connected to fb 🤔
Might want to tell @Yosca to use the english language as default also. Can never read her "Dutch" or copy / paste her screenshot text.
Let me be a little mysterious @Origins7_Dale ☺️