I Need a team please
I’m not getting lives from other players. I did then it’s telling me to create a team for livex
Horrible New Sound
The new "snoring" is terrible. I am finding it completely distracting. It's irritating like a laugh track. I don't want to turn the sound completely off because I enjoy the other sounds. Seriously, they need to ditch this repetitive sound!
Every time again
Hi. Every time I log in to the game I am shown training flying mouse chests. And the chest starts all over again.There's an empty space in the stock instead of a bat. Also stopped flying rocket.Windows. ID 15247281340
save game
downloaded candy cruch soda saga from microsoft store, when I go to log in through facebook, says browser not supported, and want me to download chrome, however I already have chrome….what to do
Why can’t I request lives from my team anymore?
It’s been a few days since I can request lives from my team!!
My encrypted data is locked
How can I get my encrypted data unlocked
What is your best part in this game
Joining teams
something went wrong and I lost my team and can't join a new team for some reason
What's my nephew name?