It's possible that after collecting the 4 diamonds from the one big doll that 2 more drop down that need to be collected. But I wouldn't know, because every time I collect the 4th diamond, the game crashes and throws me out. I've lost many lives and opportunities to collect keys and free boosters. Please fix this level.
Yes, I'm playing with FB. I was unaware of current FB issues.
I'm in! They must have fixed it with the new levels. I didn't have to reinstall and all I had was saved. Yay! Thank you so much to everybody here and the whole BW3S team! :-)
Thank you, Cezdiamond It has been 10 days now. In the meantime, those of us who pay to play are being kept out of events, like helping Andy save his new girlfriend Lucy in the spooky library.
I have the same problem. It happened to me on March 28. it's since happened to two of my friends too. Yesterday support told me to just sit tight before I reinstall and they will get back to me. Still waiting...
They just fixed 1227, and now 1236. Grrr!
I have the same problem. It seems the game freezes once the fish net ball releases the blue fish. Grrr!!
Mostly I play on samsung devices - Galaxy S3, Note 3 & tablet - running on Android. Sometimes I use my big Windows desktop, but I prefer my Note 3.