At 3010 check my posts. I’m shooting for 4K before I’m done.
I apologize but I’m not happy and shouldn’t have taken it out on you.
Get in line.
[Edited by CM: Offensive language]
Nobody votes?
I would like a job at Activision but you [Edited by CM: Offensive language]
Quests were broken for freemium which is why I bought in when it was good. Golden tickets with everything for 18hours was awesome for $10. Now it’s bait.
At least before we had 3 quests a day. This is what happens when people who don’t play develop.
@Elsa I can’t believe you are still peddling not banking boosters. IOS users... your local save is on the cloud I’ve changed iPads multiple times and haven’t lost a thing.
First they killed my contests, then they killed my quests and now this Toffee ‘but whole’ shows up to crap on everything fun. He was a mistake from the beginning and nothing has changed to make him any better. The golden tickets were fun till they got horribly nerfed but the game as it stands is a shadow of what it once…