This is reference to Pepper Panic Saga...
I am simply writing to ask why this game is not available via mobile app. It is by far my favorite King game and I would love to be able to take it with me as I commute to work, etc.
Big candycruch level2262
Magic mixters do not produce enough stones, the level is impossible to complete.
Can you please reset my Pepper Panic Saga? Id 1091186771
Can you please reset my Pepper Panic Saga? Id 1091186771. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me .
Pepper panic saga
Why can't I download Pepper panic saga onto my tablet ? Please make an app available! I have only been able to play off of Facebook without the app!
restart at level one
I have finished the game and would like to replay the earlier levels. Is there a quick way to get back to the first level without having to scroll right down to the beginning, which is really slow?
Why am I under provisional status??
Want to know why I am under Temporary Provisional status? And what do I need to do to correct this? I seem unable to find a phone number to contact you? Please help. Please send any messages to: hbluecrawfish@aol.com Thank You.
I've reached level 460 in Peppeer Panic Saga I've beat it but yet wont go past 460
I've reached level 460 beat it 3 times the game will not advance past level 460
Will you be adding new levels in Pepper Panic Saga?
I've reached the end of the line in Pepper Panic Saga. Will you be adding more levels past level 460?
where are all my lives..?????
anytime I am send lives in pepper panic, I lose them..cannot take them because lives is full, after I use those lives, I cannot access the lives my friends gave me. If I log out I lose them all, soooooo how do I actually use these lives that I cannot access????
Pepper Panic
I have finished all the levels on Pepper Panic. How can I wipe t out and start over from the beginning again?