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Hey everyone! New competition is here! This time, we have a simple question for you all: What level are you on? Post below and let us know what level you are on, that's all it takes! 5 of you will be granted 20 gold bars each! You have until the 15th of April to participate. <a rel="nofollow"…
When is pepper panic saga out to download on the App Store cause I want to get it and play it
Buona sera, ora mai avrò fatto 1500 partite sul livello 155. Mi sono stancato e penso non sia una cosa corretta costringere giocatori a rimanere fermi a un certo livello solo perchè non versano denaro sulle Vostre casse. Non è ammissibile che in un mese, capisco anche la mia poca bravura, ma fate schifo
Game still only on PC. When will it come to Apple and Android mobile devices? I have asked since right after launch and been told it was being worked on for mobile in 2015. It’s end of March 2018 and still Pepper Panic Saga still not in mobile. Why is it not on mobile? Will it ever be available for Apple and Android, if so…
i played this game on android before i downloaded the apk outside of google play and at that time i came across a link to google play and it said this app isnt available in your country and now when i click that link google play says the apk cant be found and that was a year or 2 ago so why is it there being so slow in…
I haven't played in a while and I cannot find where I can invite friends
I would play the game way more often and more of my friends would come back to playing if it were available on mobile devices.
@Xarly I'm a bit concerned about the lack of activity in the Scrubby Dubby and Pepper Panic Saga communities. The last contests for both were in April. I play both games and I'd like to participate in contests. I know these games may not be as popular as Candy Crush but there are still players around who want to see the…
Gameroom Question
Desde ayer no puedo entrar al juego, sale un error "se ha perdido la conexión K-152". He desinstalado y vuelto a instalar y sigue el problema. Tengo la versión 1.6.2. Si puedo jugar a otros juegos King como Candy Crush. Muchas gracias.
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