Level 420 blue bomb
How do you pass level 420 in Alpha Betty? I looked for suggestions and the ones I see don't have the blue bomb mine does.
I am on level 46 of AlphaBetty Saga and I was wondering how do you break the bubbles
I was wondering how do I break the bubbles that are in the 6 frames of 2 on the sides of the main frame of letters in level 46. I make words using the crown and sometimes a bubble will be broken by a flying bubble but I really cannot get my 50 broken Can some one please help me I would appreciate your help as I enjoy…
Can't send lives or see other players progress
Every time I try to send a life on facebook Alphabetty I get this error message 'Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.' If I then click ok it gives me this message…
Hi, Level 742 in Alphabetty even with extra life cannot be solved ..can you help please..x
Hi, Level 742 in AlphaBetty Saga not enough moves given, even with extra move cannot be done can you help please .. JoJoF.x
Level 747 impossible
I am only two days on level 747. My best attempt was 35 cheeses. 40 is really not possible I know now. You should change something. I will stop until something is changed. Playing on a Dutch board
Level 742 is impossible
20 plays for 20 words of 4, 6 or 7 letters. But at the beginning all the letters are bound in lianas and doesn’t count... So you can only make a maximum of 19 words, not 20.
Anyone there?
Level 742 of Alphabetty Saga gives you 21 tries to collect 21 words. Pretty challenging, right? That is even using the free play! If you don't use the free play, you have 20 moves to collect 21 words! However ALL of the tiles have vines on them, and no words can be collected until you get rid of some of those. So with your…
Please fix level 742.
Level 742 is only winnable with 2+ moves added, not the 1+ provided. The 2+ move Royal Guard is not attainable on this level.
Level 742 is impossible
How are you supposed to make 21 words in 20 moves?!
Level 742 of Alphabetty is only offering 21 moves
It takes 22 moves to win level 742 of Alphabetty, but only 21 are given. Am I missing something?