What ever happened to the guy
what ever happened to the guy ( I have forgotten his name ) that had the 5 trophies you could access after winning each level???. This game is very very hard and with no help at all it's impossible!!!
Missing Cup
Why was Peter removed from my game? My cup was full last time I played. Now I'm on the latest episode and there's no Peter and no cup. This sucks.
How can i get Diamond Diaries new levels
How can i get Diamond Diaries new levels?
Behind the Scenes: Can you solve the puzzle on level 854?
Hello talented Diamond Hunters :waving: We have a new episode on our hands and our brilliant Game Studio is here to tell you all about it! Here's what they say: In this exciting new episode, you will be able to complete another 15 amazing levels. Our favorite levels are 846,854,857. You can also find challenging levels…
? about winning streak
Hi all, new here! I hope I didn't miss it but I've searched everywhere about the winning streak.. Good 'ol Peter. :) All I have found is that it can expire. I had it but it disappeared one day. My question that I can't find an answer to is when it expires can you ever get it back or is it gone for good? Thanks in advance!
No Hammer booster
At level 601 I chose Stockholm to receive the hammer as of level 603 I still do not have it. I play on android tablet. is there away to get it? Thank you
On level 390 the piston won't shoot the diamond out. How can I fix this so I can keep playing?
I can't play level 390 because of the piston glitch. How can this be fixed?
Member of the Month for April is here!
Our Community Managers have chosen a new wonderful member of the month. Find out more and leave your congratulations here. Is the next one you?
Sharing is Caring - What's your favorite place to play?
Hi Diamond Hunters and Brilliant Linkers! Have we had polls before here on our excellent Community? :lol: Vote what's your favorite place the play - I hope you find an option suitable for you! If you don't, go ahead and choose "other" and comment below (any pictures of you playing are even more fun!) I'm voting for Option…
My game not linking with Facebook
I've not bn able to link my diamond diaries with my Facebook account. Each time I try, it disconnect. I've done all d test suggestions, yet, to no avail. I've cleared cache, update both Facebook/diamond diaries, uninstall and reinstall, yet, not linking. This issue started 2 weeks ago when I couldn't progress from 815…