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Level 4253

mchardin08 Posts: 7

Level 2

I am stuck on this level. The one last diamond keeps getting wedges between a grommet and the wall, right side of playing field. Does anyone have a workarounds or know how to keep diamond from falling into that particular spot


  • Jan5643
    Jan5643 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited January 2024

    Last diamond is impossible to move. It gets stuck at edge next to spinning crossbar. I've tried hammers and extra moves etc. Given up now. Stop making games impossible to play please

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited January 2024

    Hello @Jan5643 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our sweet King Community!

    You are in Candy Crush Saga area right now!

    But, no worries! I will send a request to move your question to our Diamond Diaries Saga area! I will also give a shout out to our Diamond Diaries Mod @Diamond_Lim to help you out 👍

    Thank you for joining the Community & Happy New Year 🎉🎉

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,780
    edited March 2024

    Hello there and It's me again! Welcome back again! @mchardin08 👋😄

    Thank you for your asking this level feedback now. 🤗

    Yeah! You're right! I check playing this level again, that one diamond got stucked on the right board on my three times today now after the diamonds unlocked. 👇🙁

    But I did playing this level is still no problem as luckily that one diamond didn't got stucked on the right board on yesterday (with my 1st try) and today (with my 4th try) now. ✔️😊

    After all of the diamonds (Big doll, charm boxes and one diamond) unlocked, firstly, the diamond will dropped little on the right board and against the small circle (blocked on the top middle), then you try linking vertical/cross/star ray charm to destroy these top right charms on against the diamond, then the spinner will spinning to the right while the diamond will spinning to the low right successfully now. That's your chance to win now! 😉

    After that, you make sure linking these lower charms against the diamond then the diamond will be dropped down against to the necklace successfully now. Then you can continue linking charms and also any special ray charms and diamonds (also helpful birds but mostly of them will target to any special ray charms first, not any diamonds) to collect all of the diamonds successfully now! 😉

    I did completed this level easily with my 1st try on yesterday and my 4th try on today now! This level is still no problem to be passed mostly but I know this level has problem is that one diamond got stucked on the right board right now. ✔️😊

    So I hope you can try playing this level again until you did completed this level successfully soon. Good luck again! 🤞😊

    Anyway, also congratulations as you did also completed over to Level 4000 on this game now! You can also post your screenshot and you will claim Level 1000 Badge here, Level 2000 Badge here, Level 3000 Badge here and Level 4000 Badge here on your view profile on this community (but not in the game)! 💎🏅🏅🏅🏅😄

    Wondering how to take a screenshot? Check the instruction here. 📷 I If you're not clear on how to attach a picture to the thread, check out here. 🖼️

    Thank you for continuing to play this game with us. 💎🤗

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    Share your favorite booster here! ☄️

    📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here?

    💎 Wanna to win more Diamond Diaries Saga's Badges? Check this out here! 🏅😉

    Also check here to learn more amazing linking skills on this game! 😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,780
    edited March 2024

    Thank you for your tagging me! @PummyRaj 🤗

    Hello there! @Jan5643 👋😊

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    I am Diamond Lim (You can also called me Lim is short as well). I am still Diamond Diaries Skill Master while Diamond Diaries Moderator right now. 💎😊

    Thank you for your asking this level feedback now. 🤗

    Yeah! You're right! I check playing this level again, that one diamond got stucked on the right board on my three times today now after the diamonds unlocked. 👇🙁

    But I did playing this level is still no problem as luckily that one diamond didn't got stucked on the right board on yesterday (with my 1st try) and today (with my 4th try) now. ✔️😊

    After all of the diamonds (Big doll, charm boxes and one diamond) unlocked, firstly, the diamond will dropped little on the right board and against the small circle (blocked on the top middle), then you try linking vertical/cross/star ray charm to destroy these top right charms on against the diamond, then the spinner will spinning to the right while the diamond will spinning to the low right successfully now. That's your chance to win now! 😉

    After that, you make sure linking these lower charms against the diamond then the diamond will be dropped down against to the necklace successfully now. Then you can continue linking charms and also any special ray charms and diamonds (also helpful birds but mostly of them will target to any special ray charms first, not any diamonds) to collect all of the diamonds successfully now! 😉

    I did completed this level easily with my 1st try on yesterday and my 4th try on today now! This level is still no problem to be passed mostly but I know this level has problem is that one diamond got stucked on the right board right now. ✔️😊

    So I hope you can try playing this level again until you did completed this level successfully soon. Good luck again! 🤞😊

    Anyway, as @PummyRaj has been explained you this game forum is Candy Crush Saga, not Diamond Diaries Saga. 😅

    If you have any question/problem (s) with this game, please don't hesitate to ask and tag me (@ + Diamond_Lim, like this @Diamond_Lim) and you can continue asking your question/problem (s) on this thread here or you can asking your new question/problem (s) on this game's support area here better next time. Then I am still happy here to check then help and answer you again. 😊

    Also congratulations as you did also completed over to Level 4000 on this game now! You can also post your screenshot and you will claim Level 1000 Badge here, Level 2000 Badge here, Level 3000 Badge here and Level 4000 Badge here on your view profile on this community (but not in the game)! 💎🏅🏅🏅🏅😄

    Wondering how to take a screenshot? Check the instruction here. 📷 I If you're not clear on how to attach a picture to the thread, check out here. 🖼️

    Thank you for continuing to play this game with us. 💎🤗

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    Share your favorite booster here! ☄️

    📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here?

    💎 Wanna to win more Diamond Diaries Saga's Badges? Check this out here! 🏅😉

    Also check here to learn more amazing linking skills on this game! 😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • mozart
    mozart Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Sorry, I tried many Times, ever time the diamond stuck. Frustration!!!

    I got 9 additional moves for being away 9 days, all gone because of this Bug....

    Deinstallation After several years of playing! Good bye

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,780

    Hello there! 👋

    We are very sorry to hear about you leave playing this game now due to stuck on this level problem. 😔

    I did trying to play this level has still no problem to be passed without using boosters and extra moves possible so many times but it's this problem on sometimes only. 😅

    Also thank you for your playing this game so much. Hope you are continue playing this game in your future then you will get these special new features are Jeweler's Trial, Trader Chest and another features will helping you to earn more boosters and also gold bars and pass these levels better and easier that you use them. 😊

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😊

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