Were you part of our previous forums (King Care)? - PLEASE READ
If you’re here, it means you come from the good ol’ King Care. First and foremost, welcome to the new King Community! It’s been an intense and exciting adventure but we are very happy to bring you now this new site that we call our Community!
So, if you are wondering “where is my old account?”, worry not! All your posts and discussions are still here and they even count for your badges and points - Isn't that Bubblific?! If you want to know more about these, you can take a look at it here.
In order to recover your old account, there are four very simple steps that you need to follow:
Step 1: Click on the Message
Once you click Log In or Register you will see a message at the top that looks something like this:
All you need to do is click on the text and it will take you to this page:
Step 2: Enter your email
Under that message you will have a field. All you need to do is write your email down there and click on “Request a New Password”
Step 3: Check your email!
You should receive an email that looks something like this:
(If you don’t receive the email make sure you check your spam folder)
Click on “Change My Password” and it will take you to back to the site.
Step 4: Changing the password
All you have to do there is put a new password, confirm it by writing it again below and voilà, your old account is back! So now seat back, relax and enjoy our new Community site!
- All Categories
- 177 General
- 418 Conversations Migration (to be deleted?)
- 8.2K Community Hub
- 25K Mod Corner
- 5.6K Bubble Witch Saga
- 637 Bubble Witch 2
- 1.7K Blossom Blast Saga
- 125.5K Candy Crush Saga
- 11.3K Candy Crush Friends Saga
- 6.1K Candy Crush Jelly Saga
- 29.7K Candy Crush Soda Saga
- Candy Crush Solitaire
- 1.6K Diamond Diaries Saga
- 10.3K Farm Heroes Saga
- 1.7K Farm Heroes Super Saga
- 8.3K Pet Rescue Saga
- 1.8K Pyramid Solitaire Saga
- 2.2K AlphaBetty Saga