House Rules

QueenMia Posts: 12,972
edited July 2019 in Support

Welcome to the Alpha Betty Community!

You are now one of us and this is your house. And just like in any house, there are some rules to be followed in order for us all to live happily together  :3

Feel free to introduce yourself to the community if you haven’t yet.

We encourage open and friendly discussions here in Alpha Betty Saga. Super Stars and Community Managers have final decisions on all matters, and are here to make sure that the community remains a friendly and fun place appropriate for players of all backgrounds, ages and groups. In case of any doubt or question, do not hesitate to contact one of the members of our team. 

Please read the following guidelines before posting in the forums - Please note that the Forums are in English only.

Be Sweet (And cheesy if you'd like!)

After all, we're all sharing the same love for Candy Friends here, so treat others the way you would like to be treated.  Our Community is a friendly place, and we want all members to feel free to share their knowledge. We will not allow any behaviour that is disrespectful, threatening or offensive to other members of this community or towards the King staff. Abuse includes foul language threatening or aggressive behavior or language that is deemed offensive. Please be aware that posting in CAPITAL LETTERS could be considered threatening.

Discrimination and hate speech are the quickest way for you to get banned. Discriminatory posts about sex, gender, race, creed, sexuality and religious beliefs will not be tolerated. No trolling! Baiting, insulting and posting controversial content, with the aim of provoking a response, is especially not tolerated. Any content deemed as trolling will also be deleted.

Keep it on topic

Make sure that you post in the right community section. Spam, pointless and meaningless content ruins discussions and we have a zero-tolerance policy for all automated messages, advertisements and threads that contain links to websites that are not related to the game. These will be deleted and repeated behaviour will result in a ban. Irrelevant responses to posts will also be deleted - If you don’t have something meaningful to add to the discussion, don’t reply.


- Looking for information about the game or how to solve a technical issue? Check our FAQ, the answer is certainly there!
Still need help? Check if other players have a solution for you or let us know in the Support section.
- You want to chat about Betty's favourite cheese or discuss strategy, express yourself in the Discussions tab!

Keep it clean

If it isn’t legal, take it elsewhere. Discussion of illegal activities which include but are not limited to: narcotics, illegal sexual content, circumvention of copy protection and piracy are strictly off-limits and will result in a ban from the site. And keep the language clean: Foul language is a no no! Swear words or language that may offend is forbidden. Posts containing any foul language may be edited or removed.

In doubt, all terms and conditions can be found here.

We're not fan of spam! Spam is a pain and can occasionally pose a risk to other members. We define spam as posts which offer unlimited lives, boosters or free Gold Bars or coins, posts which offer products or services unrelated to King e.g. movies, TV shows etc... or malicious links to sites containing Malware. We take spam seriously. Offending posts will be removed immediately and your membership may be ceased.

Search before posting

Have a look around or use the search feature for information on any topic related to the game. Create an account, which will allow you to join in on the community discussions. You most probably will find your topic by using the search feature. Most of the topics in the forums already have lots of information and you’ll receive more feedback if you add your comment or question there instead of creating a new thread. 

The rules also includes:

. Duplicate player accounts are prohibited in the community to avoid unfair points and badges being earned with multiple accounts. 
. No selling stuff or redirecting our players to other sites
. Keep your personal information out of any public post.
. Don't incite complaints, campaign or lobby.
. Don’t question moderator actions publicly. What we say goes.
. Discussions of politics and religion are not allowed.
. Don’t get around our filters, that’s swearwords and other blocked terms.
. Don’t air interpersonal disputes
. Only English is allowed. Désolée.

Violation of the rules and bans

The Community Team will determine the severity of the infractions and act accordingly. All cases will be handled on an individual basis and sanctions can vary. In exceptional cases, unbans can happen.

We don't like blocking... We understand, mistakes happen. However, those that consistently choose not to follow our house rules and terms and conditions will be blocked. We only block members as a last resort and if deemed necessary.

Thanks for reading through the rules - Have a Fun-tastic time in the Community. Welcome home.

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?