AlphaBetty Saga - Level 1

Level 1
Is there some sort of glitch with Level 1? Shows the 'Link at least 3 tiles to create words' tip but will not revert to the actual level 1 game. Help please....
Hi Kathy, you need to create the words you see in this introduction of the game. The first word is ALPHA, the second word is INK (from left to right) and the third word is MAGIC. You create words by holding the left button of your mouse pressed till you have created the word and it appears in green.
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No matter how many times I try to drag the letters, I can't get off the "Link at least 3 tiles" screen.Hi Kathy, you need to create the words you see in this introduction of the game. The first word is ALPHA, the second word is INK (from left to right) and the third word is MAGIC. You create words by holding the left button of your mouse pressed till you have created the word and it appears in green.
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I am having the same problem, the 3rd word spells magih not magic so it wont go past the level
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please check our vid right here:
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