Level 1 of AlphaBetty
You have to click and drag, not click individually. Click the 1st 'A', drag to the last 'A', release.
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Here is an example of the gameplay
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廾ⅰ @JBC, welcome to the Community!
Which method are you using to create the words?
- "Tap Each Letter" ---> Tap each Letter Tile one at a time until you reach the end of a word.
- "Tap & Trace" ---> Trace a word by tapping on its first letter, then keeping your finger on the screen & dragging it through the next letters until completing the word when you reach its last letter.
Both methods work in all the Levels but you can only use the "Tap & Trace" method to complete the Tutorial.
🔺 If you are indeed using "Tap & Trace" you might be releasing your finger before reaching the last letter of the required word. 🔺
🔸 Level 1 is a Score Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Score at least 800 points in 8 moves or less (in average, you have to score 100 points each turn).
- This level is a tutorial level that will teach you the basics on how to play ABS.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Create the words "Alpha", "Ink" & "Magic" in the first 3 moves.
- If you have extra moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Letter Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸 The video below shows an example of how to complete Level 1 of ABS 🔸
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