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Is there a glitch in Alphabetty Level 1?
Best Answer
Are you clicking the letters individually (wrong) or clicking and dragging (right)?
You have to click on the 1st 'A', hold down the mouse button, drag to the last 'A' and then release.
Are you clicking the letters individually (wrong) or clicking and dragging (right)?
You have to click on the 1st 'A', hold down the mouse button, drag to the last 'A' and then release.
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Here is how to do it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz--hGvAxCE
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Thanks so much! I was indeed doing it wrong. Clicking and dragging resulted in success! Appreciate the helpAre you clicking the letters individually (wrong) or clicking and dragging (right)?
You have to click on the 1st 'A', hold down the mouse button, drag to the last 'A' and then release.
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