Have you completed the same number of levels? I think my library showed up only after I completed so many (sorry I don't remember how many but definitely less than 50) levels.
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Ah, it's not the number of levels, but the number of stars that matters. If your husband passed some levels with one star, he can go back to improve his score and collect more starts. I just got the third library entry, Mummy Mouse with 40 out of 90 possible stars.
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I don't think that's it. I have 3 stars on every single level up to 30 - which is 90 stars and no Library yet. My friend doesn't have as many stars, and they got the library before they even hit level 20. Some are saying it's random. If that's true, that really really sucks.Ah, it's not the number of levels, but the number of stars that matters. If your husband passed some levels with one star, he can go back to improve his score and collect more starts. I just got the third library entry, Mummy Mouse with 40 out of 90 possible stars.
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