Alpha Betty
Best Answer
If you have already got your 5 x 5 letter words then if you get more they don't count for anything, only the score. You need to move on to the 6 letter words or whatever you need for the level
Can you explain the problem a little more? You're on the levels where you have to make like 5 x 5 letter words etc yeah? So what happens when the game recognises the word?
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when I make the words I get points but do not receive a count for the word
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If you have already got your 5 x 5 letter words then if you get more they don't count for anything, only the score. You need to move on to the 6 letter words or whatever you need for the level
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when I make the words I get points but do not receive a count for the word - See more at: you explain the problem a little more? You're on the levels where you have to make like 5 x 5 letter words etc yeah? So what happens when the game recognises the word?
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Notice that tiles with vines don't count. Also, it seems that purple tiles sometimes count as an extra letter and sometimes don't.
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I've had the same problem , even on the ones without vines. Very frustrating!
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I don't see any issue, only what Lynette L and April JP said, the locked tiles don't count in your words, you need to use the normal times to get the letter count.
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You're right. There is a glitch that seems to begin in this level. It will seem to recognize all larger words as four letter words. Good news is that even if it looks like they're not counting, they are, and you can finish the level.
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Oops.. I meant in level 69.
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je suis bloquer au niveau 380 impossible d allez au 381 merci de votre reponse
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