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I cannot seem to play alpha betty. All the main screen says is to download flash and I have done it
Level 1
I cannot seem to play alpha betty. All the main screen says is to download flash and I have done it I have done all the help forms but it keeps telling me I need to download flash and I have a flash on my computer I do not have problems with the other games.
You might have more than one version of flash installed on your computer. Check your installed programs in the control panel. Uninstall any versions of flash player that you have and then re-install just the latest version available.
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I have checked and rechecked, installed, uninstalled, re-installed, cleared everything, restarted, stood on my head, screamed BUT I STILL CAN NOT PLAY using Facebook. I get this same message. I have also checked for plugin versus standalone versions and disabled and enabled each in turn. Still no go. Any other suggestions. And yes, I do have the latest Adobe Flash Player.You might have more than one version of flash installed on your computer. Check your installed programs in the control panel. Uninstall any versions of flash player that you have and then re-install just the latest version available.
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oops, meant to post as a comment
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I am having the same issue. The only place I have been able to play is on my Mac using Safari browser. It won't play on Chrome on the same laptop and I get the same message everywhere except SafariYou might have more than one version of flash installed on your computer. Check your installed programs in the control panel. Uninstall any versions of flash player that you have and then re-install just the latest version available.
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I have done all that, and I do have the newest flash player it just wont come up and tell me, I need a flash player and I have the flash player
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im having the same problem on all our laptops done everything they said to do still no game ,, plays ok on my KindleI have done all that, and I do have the newest flash player it just wont come up and tell me, I need a flash player and I have the flash player
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