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Why do some words not count on Alpha Betty?
I thought the same for a while but then I read that it depends on the tiles used in the word. For example if a tile you pick is trapped in vines, it won't be counted up until it has been used again once freed. Whereas the tiles with a crown will add +1 to a word, making a 4 letter word count as 5 for example, those come in very useful in times of need!
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Where did you find a place to read any rules on this?I thought the same for a while but then I read that it depends on the tiles used in the word. For example if a tile you pick is trapped in vines, it won't be counted up until it has been used again once freed. Whereas the tiles with a crown will add +1 to a word, making a 4 letter word count as 5 for example, those come in very useful in times of need!
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