Alphabetty is missing words.

Level 1
The word "rinks" (as in skating rinks) is not showing up as a valid word. Please put a decently unabridged dictionary in place.
Best Answer
Thanks a lot for the feedback! ;-)
Thanks Michael! Any more words you come across, just let us know.
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There are a myriad of words that are not recognized. It's frustrating. Having a large American player population, I am curious as to whether or not they have incorporated basic "American English" words. Different countries use different words, but as an American, I would also like to see our popular words recognized. It would be nice to have a place to "add a word" to the game's dictionary, on the game site.
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Thanks a lot for the feedback! ;-)
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There are a myriad of words that are not recognized. It's frustrating. Having a large American player population, I am curious as to whether or not they have incorporated basic "American English" words. Different countries use different words, but as an American, I would also like to see our popular words recognized. It would be nice to have a place to "add a word" to the game's dictionary, on the game site.Thanks Michael! Any more words you come across, just let us know.
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Saturn isn't there. Neither is Picts. There were some other words too that I just can't remember, why are these obvious words not there? It's really annoying, actually tempted to delete it but I love the game!
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