Level didn't advance

Level 1
I finished level 55 the other day, I even had to use my gold bars just so I could get the last word finished. It went to the main screen and then I closed for the night, I go to play the next day and it say's I'm still on 55 and I know it isn't correct. Let alone I've created 6 or 7 letter words and thy only count as if it was 4 letter word. I understand when it has a vine on it it don't count until you remove the vine, but when no vines are on the words and you highlight 6 or 7 letters and it isn't recording it correctly. What can be done?
There a few other blockers in the game that can effect the word count, best bet is if you make a video that you can share with us here and we'll know for sure whether its a bug or not.
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yeah so now to take the fun out of a game you want me to video all my games so get the ones that screw up. That is a bunch of crap, isn't no fun then.
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