How do I unlock the Cheesamids in the Library?

Level 1
The Cheesamids (second page of Library mice) are labeled for use in levels 51-95. I have just completed level 60 and all previous levels with three stars in every one. Why aren't the Cheesamids unlocked yet? Do I have to get three stars on each level WITHIN levels 51-95? Are the fractions below each mouse supposed to indicate what to do? It sure would help if the Library had a "help" button for each mouse that would clearly tell you what you had to accomplish to unlock it, rather than just saying they are "locked."
Hey Roni, congratulations on your three stars in every level! Click on level 61 on your roadmap. You might get the Liberty Mouse. Click on it and it takes you to the library. The Cheesamids of the second page will then light up, and you can either choose Mummy Mouse or Cleobettra by clicking on them. Then go back using the arrow top left on your screen. If a specific mouse doesn´t light up, then it might be due to the game mode and that mouse not being available for it (it says something like that when you scroll over it). The stars you collect between the levels 51 - 95 will make your Cheesamids stronger, so the more stars you get, the better. The fractions below them seem to indicate what each Cheesamid is good for.
0 -
The cheesamids are a complete mystery. I don't know what unlocks them. I can't tell what makes them progress to a different level. I am on level 149 and nothing seem to change with them. They seemed to progress randomly and then just stop.
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