Level 157 Alphabetty Saga
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it is one hell of a tough level!!!!
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This video shows you how to get 3 stars in Alphabetty Saga Level 157 with strategy tips and explanations throughout the video. Strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 57: Remove the blue bomb letters as soon as possible when the book opens to avoid losing moves. The most difficult part of this level is getting through those rocks. Use the letters immediately next to rocks whenever possible and make line blasters with longer words to blast rocks too. Rocks need 4 knocks before they disappear. Extend words with easy suffixes such as -ED, -ER and -ING and remember to add an S where possible. Watch my video for a demonstration and timely strategy comments, tips and explanations. Subscribe to my channel ... I am working on more walkthroughs
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