Why does my Alphabetty Game keep freezing?

Level 1
About 5 days ago Alphabetty Saga began freezing after I get 75% through the game.Some times I am within 3 or 4 moves of completion and it just stops! I have done all the usual troubleshooting things /flash/cache/restart/etc etc I even tried dropping it & starting again but the problem persists. Only this game is affected none of the other King games have any problems. Am on level 159.
Thanks for posting Susan, we're are working on a fix for this to be rolled out in the next coming update! The sooner the better as I'm also stuck on 159 because of this!
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Hi Leo Sphinx, are there any plans to refund gold bars lost as a result of this glitch? I was unaware of it and lost 18 gold trying to pass the level.Thanks for posting Susan, we're are working on a fix for this to be rolled out in the next coming update! The sooner the better as I'm also stuck on 159 because of this!
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I had the same problem. I cleared my cache and Alphabetty is back and running fine. If you're using a galaxy tab, then when you touch the icon to either remove it or app info, press 'app info'. From there you can clear the cache. Good luck.
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After 8 months there is still not a fix? On my iPad it appears to be linked to the Valentine's sale.
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I know this problem is NOT SOLVED...….
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