Alphabetty - Stuck at level 50?
I also had this question. Tap on the teacup after the 50 level on the map. It tells you to ask friends or purchase your right to continue.
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Tapping on the teacup or anything near it isn't working. Very frustrating when playing a new game you're enjoying. Other suggestions?
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That didn't work for me. The cup makes a noise, but no options or activity to complete come up. Very frustratingI also had this question. Tap on the teacup after the 50 level on the map. It tells you to ask friends or purchase your right to continue.
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If you don't have friends who can help you, level 51 opens after 60 hours anyway.
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I've tried all these things and waited the 60 hours but it still doesn't work - now it's telling me I've got 4294967295 days to wait. Obviously a bug - how irritating!
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We can add each other.?
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