Alphabetty level 39

Level 1
The words I making or not registering. I'll make a six letter word and it only registers at four or it won't register at all. Is there a specific list of words I'm trying to find? I'm about to delete this one
Watch out for the the tiles with vines on, as when you first use them in a word they loose entanglement but do not get added to the word total as the tile doesn't get used (technically) it get's freed, the next time you use this freed tile it will be counted in the letter tally.
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This video shows you how to get 3 stars in Alphabetty Saga Level 39 with written strategy tips and explanations throughout the video. It demonstrates how to deal with vines and make longer words. Strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 39: Remove vines quickly with line blasters. Only once letters are free from vines do they contribute to the word count so get rid of the vines as soon as possible. Good luck! Please subscribe for more strategy walkthroughs
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