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Why does it say 0 moves left when there are still words you can make?
I admit to being new to AlphaBetty and am only on Level 24, however after I finish levels it finds more words and increases the score. Also in a few rounds after I get down to 0 moves I have paid the 9 credits and gone on and have found several more words to win the round.
There is nothing in the FAQ's about a limited time or limited amount of moves in the round and I don't see anywhere to replay the tutorial. Therefore could someone please explain to me the reasoning behind not allowing players to use all the possible words, is it timing, limited number of moves, or something else?
thank you
Each round generally only has a limited amount of moves that you can use, it should normally show to the left of the playing board. Once you are out of moves, that's it, unless you decided to use gold bars to get another 5 moves.
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