How do I pass level 42

Level 1
There are supposed to be 5 cheese chunks to come down and I'm only seeing 4. Any suggestions?
Best Answer
Strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 42: Remove vines at the top first as these prevent cheese and tiles from falling. Make line blasters by making words of 5 or more letters. Set these off to blast away vines and mousetraps and bring cheese down fast! Make 4 letter words to get crowns and use crowned letters to help remove letters under cheese. Watch my video attached for a demonstration and in-video timely strategy comments, tips and explanations. The last cheese chunk only appears after you have removed the first 4.
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It comes once you have got rid of the other 4.
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Strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 42: Remove vines at the top first as these prevent cheese and tiles from falling. Make line blasters by making words of 5 or more letters. Set these off to blast away vines and mousetraps and bring cheese down fast! Make 4 letter words to get crowns and use crowned letters to help remove letters under cheese. Watch my video attached for a demonstration and in-video timely strategy comments, tips and explanations. The last cheese chunk only appears after you have removed the first 4.
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