How do I pass Level 59 in AlphaBetty Saga?

Level 1
I am on level 59 on the game AlphaBetty Saga, and it only gives me 19 moves to collect 11 pieces of cheese. I literally played this level all day and it just can't be done. I can't afford to use "Real Money", to purchase moves, crowns, etc... What do I do?
Hi. I checked and realized they updated this level to change the number of moves. The trick it to make a lot of line blasters to get the choose moving down. I made a new video to show what I mean, hope it helps.
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Hi... my strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 59 is to make by line blasters to remove the vines and to bring the cheese down fast. The longer the words, the more directions the blasters go in so try to make your words longer by adding simple suffixes to words e.g. add an S or -ER and -ED to make longer words. New cheese chunks don't appear until enough existing chunks are gone so try to move the cheese down quickly. Watch my video for a demonstration and timely strategy comments, tips and explanations. It is more than a simple recording of my game play... Good luck!
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Another hard level.. i would say 8/10 level difficulty!
So a few tips:
Big words are necessary to create line/column blasters.. 8-letter-words is the ideal for a huge line blaster. Use these blasters to destroy branches which capture the tiles and make cheese chunks fall. You should gather 5 cheese chunks in about 7-8 moves! For extra tips click here
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I find 11 cheeses is impossible. I've been trying so many times with many lineblasters and everything. The most I can get is 8 or 9 cheeses.
Hi. I checked and realized they updated this level to change the number of moves. The trick it to make a lot of line blasters to get the choose moving down. I made a new video to show what I mean, hope it helps.
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