Disable Hints
I've looked for a while and haven't found a place where you can turn them off unfortunately. Now I just pretend it's not happening so I don't get annoyed by it any longer, it's hard though :P
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I have the same problem. It frustates and iritates me that it is in such a way that I can't even think for myself without having a tip of a move shown to me 3 seconds after the last move is done. I believe this game is not developed to wait till a move is shown or to spoon feed the player with moves. I believe that this game is to think for yourself, fail and try again type of game.
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If you highlight/click on a letter and leave it highlighted while you search for your next word, the hints wont pop up.
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I tried this and it didn't workIf you highlight/click on a letter and leave it highlighted while you search for your next word, the hints wont pop up.
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