Mouse Traps wiped out, then reappearing
I've had this issue pop up both on my iPhone and iPad on multiple different levels (but with no regularity/predictability). A mouse trap will get wiped out due to a crown's being activated or a purple letter wiping out everything in its "arrow path." The mouse trap will disappear, then reappear, as if it were never wiped out in the first place. I believe this to be a bug. Am I the only one who has this happen?
Can't say that I've ever had that and I play it a lot, I only Alphabetty on Facebook though so it maybe it be a bug on Mobile. I would suggest recording a video, but since you said there's no regularity/predictability that could be pretty tricky, but it would be good to give this, if it is indeed a bug, some visibility in order for the mods to pick it up.
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