Issue on Level 156 in Alphabetty game
Level 156 does not appear to recognize the 'crowns'. In other levels, a 'crown' would count as one in letter length in a formed word. In this level it seems that you need to form a word of seven tiles, for example, to get the seven letter word score and a six tile letter one of which having a crown does not register as a 7-letter word. This is causing this level to be extremely difficult to pass. I think it is a bug because it 'looks' as though it is 'trying to' recognize the crown but doesn't ultimately give the credit for the crown. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Thank you for bringing this to our attention Lizster, the details have been passed on for investigation.
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Hey Lizster, we've got confirmation from the studios that the issue with the crowns has been fixed!!!
Thanks again for alerting us about it and for being patient!
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