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glitch in level 115 of Alphabetty Saga
Level 1
Level 115 of Alphabetty Saga isn't counting the word scores correctly i.e. If I make a six letter word it will only give me a score of four rather than 6, the same goes with seven letter words etc making it impossible to pass the level. I have logged in and out many times thinking that perhaps this would rectify the problem but it hasn't. It's such a shame really as I really liked this particular game. Is anyone else having problems of this kind with this or any other level?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention Pippa, the details have been passed on for investigation.
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Hey Pippa, I've got some good news for you, just got confirmation from the studios that the issue with the crowns has been fixed!!!
Thanks again for alerting us about it and for being patient!
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