How do you get the numbers for words such as: 4x 6x. 7x etc been on same level for two days.

Level 1
such as 4x 6x 7 x how do get the numbers I have tried adding tiles nothing works.
You need to make words that have 4x,5x,6x, etc. amount of tiles as stated on the counters.
A few things can effect the total letter count of the words you make. For example blank tiles count as 0, like tiles with vines on will not count to the total of the word as the tile does not disappear from the board, it just clears the vine and will count the next time it is used and cleared from the board.
Also not forget that a tile with a crown will count as 2 tiles, making a 4 letter word count as 5 for example, this come in vvvvvvvvery handy when needing to make large words to bring the counter down. ( Just in case, making 4 letter words will generate crowns on the board)
Hope that was clear enough, but let me know if you still need some more info, it's what this community is for after all
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