Why won't AlphaBetty Saga allow friends to unlock episode?
I assumed the clock at the bottom was counting down to "auto-unlock" the next episode, but is it counting down for the next episode to be available? I have asked friends to help unlock and they have "accepted" but nothing shows up. I was at around 11hours to go and disconnected from FB to see if re-setting would accept the help, but it just re-started the 3 day count down. How do you ever play the next episode?
Thanks for posting DeeRay, I will look into this for you.
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I am having the same problem. I am bombarding my friends with requests for help, they are sending me help, I am "accepting" their help and nothing happens. I am stuck waiting for the auto-thing to count down before I play again. This is soooo annoying since I love words games and I'm guessing will probably be my reason to stop playing. ***sigh***
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Same here — very frustrating to ask repeatedly and have the unlocking not work! I'm stuck waiting, waiting, waiting….
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I'm having the same problem!!! Playing on Facebook, requesting help, getting it in the messages but it doesn't register on the unlock Tea Time!!
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I am having the same problem. Accepting help from friends but it won't register to unlock the next episode. This is the second episode that I have had to wait the 2 plus days to play. I am very frustrated and about ready to stop playing.
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