How can I change the language on my ipad?
Best Answer
Hey Ingrid I found where to change it! When you open up Alphabetty and before pressing the Play button, go to the options in the bottom left hand side, from there you should see "English" just below the two volume buttons and you'll be able to flick left and right between the languages!
Yeah I've never seen the button in the mobile version, I think it's down to your location settings in whichever store you downloaded the game from, but that's just a theory anyway. Mine is in English and same with the game, how is yours set up?
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Thanks StuckInATree. My download is from America, but when you can change it on your computer it must be possible to change it on the other ones.
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Hey Ingrid I found where to change it! When you open up Alphabetty and before pressing the Play button, go to the options in the bottom left hand side, from there you should see "English" just below the two volume buttons and you'll be able to flick left and right between the languages!
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