Alpha Betty Level 173
I was extremely reluctant to start this game because I knew that it would not be long before I encountered a ridiculously difficult level that couldn't possibly be completed without the help of boosters and as, unlike other games, there are no free items available, that would mean the end of the road for me. So imagine my unsurprise when it turned out to be only Level 173 where this unassailable trial was to be found.
The crazy letter distribution which takes no account of the frequency with which letters appear in English words and even when sufficient vowels are available for some reason seems to group them altogether rendering them useless certainly doesn't help at the best of times but even sorting that out there is simply too much to do and too few moves to do it. So, well done, King. Another crashing halt. Won't be long before I'll have simply run out of games that are still playable!
Hi Baz!
Great that you have already completed 172 levels! Pretty sure you'll also pass level 173 :-)
Cheers :-)
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