Level 39 in AlphaBetty. it does not count my words in order to pass the level.

Level 1
This level requires the player to make words of 4, 5, or 6 letters to pass the level. When I play level 39 it counts every word as a turn, but does not count the words I make against the number of letters requirement. So I can't pass the level. I play on a Kindle Fire.
Best Answer
If you use a letter that is covered by a vine then this doesn't count towards your word score. You need to free up the tiles first.
Check out this video as an example. Here you can see see the first word that the player gets doesn't count as they use vine covered letters:
If you use a letter that is covered by a vine then this doesn't count towards your word score. You need to free up the tiles first.
Check out this video as an example. Here you can see see the first word that the player gets doesn't count as they use vine covered letters:
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