I finished level59, but didn't get credited. Can someone fix that? Don't want 59 anymore - over it!
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
I struggled and struggled to do level 59 and finally, FINALLY beat it after buying 5 extra moves. Then the game gave me the ! screen and when I reloaded, I'm still on 59. I never want to see level 59 again. Please can someone move me to the level I deserve, level 60? I enjoy this game, but I don't think I'll ever play level 59 again - I'm over it.
Wish I could help with that but I don't think it's possible, only thing is to read through all the tips here: https://care.king.com/en/question/view.action?forumThreadPermalink=how-do-i-pass-level-59-in-alphabetty-saga
I'm sure you'll be able to beat it again!
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