Computer loads AlphaBetty, won't highlight letters

Patricia_Bennett Posts: 1

Level 1

This may be an issue with my computer, but can you give me a suggestion to correct?  I can load AlphaBetty with no trouble, but I cannot get it to highlight the letters to form words.  Nothing happens when I click on the letters.  Could this be an issue with flash player, maybe I need an update?  I have the same trouble trying to play on the King website, and also Facebook.  I have been able to play on my Kindle, and I love the game!  Please help.  Cordially, Pat


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    If you are playing in Google chrome, it should update Flash automatically for you. But in case that you are not, you can get the latest update from: 

    I have to say it's a bit easier to play on mobile. The trick to it on a PC is to click on the first letter and hold it down, then go over the following letters in your word whilst still holding the click down. I think the other way to do it is by clicking each subsequent letter in your word and clicking again on the last letter in order for it to register.

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