Problem loading Alpha Betty Saga

Level 1
Ive been playing Alpha Betty Saga for a couple of months or so without any problems then all of a sudden when i click on my desktop short cut; it tries to load, gives up then tries again and does this continually until i close it, which isnt easy either. Im wondering if it has anything to do with an in app update i received when i opened Kings Gummy Drop. The update took longer than normal to load and didnt come via my normal notifications through Google Play Store. It also got me to sign in via Facebook which i dont normally do. After downloading the Gummy Drop update; i havent been able to play Alpha Betty, it might just be a coincidence, but i hope King sorts it soon or i will have to give up and find another similar game to download instead.
FYI Gummy drop is not a King game. The issue could be with your desktop shortcut, when you click it does it load any part of the page? Also what happens when you go on the to play rather than your desktop shortcut?
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