Alphabetty Deutsch ---> Wörter, die fehlen/missing words
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
Hi there,
I really do prefer playing AlphaBetty, thanks for the great game!Now something real uncomfortable appears: these important german words are really missing.
Hope you can fix this.Hier eine Liste der deutschen Wörter, die bitte bei AlphaBetty aufgenommen werden sollten:
****************Turf Bret Nana Hes promisk Pont Tens Nice Satori Tremos Aztek Tagore Alexis Meet Met Tom moet Nache Saeue Ren Olm Ern Wege rot Ulm Reep Ranz Sau Deu neu Heh tot Lot Tale BRG dos Sod TIR PEN irr sirr euer Reue Ohr Queen Lek Weh Bever VEB MEZ spe
****************Hope this will be solved soon:Thanks a lot,Elke
Hi Elke, good spot!
However, as far as I know, proper nouns don´t seem to be accepted in any language in the game.
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