AlphaBetty has a glitch in level 140, it doesn't give points for line blasts !! Impossible !

Level 1
Cant pass level after 7 wks because the game does NOT count points correctly, made a 9 letter word and busted bunch of bubbles & didn't get credit for it ! So I will never pass 140 if you don't count all bubbles popped !
Best Answer
Didn't know laptop was different from mobile to play, thank u
Do you have Alphabetty on mobile? There are differences between the platforms so it could be worth a try, at least to get past this level anyway.
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Didn't know laptop was different from mobile to play, thank u
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No problem, Hopefully it will get you past level 140! Yeah levels are made for and FB first, and once done the levels are converted and optimised for mobile and tablet platform, which usually results in slight differences between the two sometimes.
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